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Mainboard - v.0

This page presents all information required to build the WORKING version of the original CoBra project, as described by the original hardware manual. Mistakes existing in the original documentation and on the original printed circuit board layout of the mainboard are listed and corrected here and then the completed and correct schematics are presented, drawn in gschem, as well as the working printed circuit board layout of the mainboard (the original version of the floppy disk interface is described on the floppy interface page). Aside from schematics and board layouts, there is also shown a memory map explained for the initial standard 64K RAM version. This is "Version 0" of the CoBra project, the closest WORKING form to the original described in the hardware manual.

Of course, the importance of this version is rather historical, but its existence constitute the basis for any subsequent development of a version achievable in our day with parts currently marketed.

In order to get to this version, starting from the original board layout some modifications have been applied, which are described on the previous page ("Documents") where I presented the graphic modification maps of the original mainboard layout and also a list of descriptions for connection changes represented on the map.

This list of connection changes pertains to the particular case of the mainboard I built back in the 90's and as such not all modifications listed are required in order to get the basic working version of CoBra.

The basic version described here (Version 0) has only 64KB RAM and no modifications. Critical for a correct operation are only those modifications having the last column in the table colored in red. Those with the last column in yellow are not critical but still affect the proper operation. These two categories are included în "Version 0" described here.
The modifications and corrections applied to the original schematics and board layout in this Version 0 are then as follows:
The main features of Version 0 (according also to the original hardware) are:

Schematics - v.0

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Version 0 features:

  • 64KB RAM in 4 banks of 16KB each
  • DRAM used: 4116 (3 voltages)
  • 16KB BASIC EPROM in 8 x 2716 chips or 4 x 2732 chips
  • 2-8KB BOOT EPROM in one 2716-2764 chip

Board layout - v.0

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